• Premature baby born at 25 weeks and weighed only 0.5kg makes miraculous recovery [See Photos]

    A Nigerian based in the U.S. Ena Ofugara shared the touching post about his friend and wife whose baby born at 6 months made an amazing recovery. His post below:
    Yousouf Godson Liuzinho (Tanzania) his wife Sasha (Jamaica) and his mother in-law and I got employed at the same time in Maryland.
    Yousouf was like the coolest of us all , fit from playing football, brilliant for being a medical student who has studied in Russia and transfered to the US and lively and conversational from teasing me about how Nigerian pastors are the 419 in South Africa and trying to regale me with their stories and their escapades, something I immediately switch to football. As an ardent Arsenal fan, he takes the bait and we go arguing for maybe 30 minutes.
    Okay, I said Sasha his wife met him at work right? And the mother too? I knew Yousouf would marry Sasha, not just because my Jamaican “sistren” always had a smile, oh well, that too. I knew he would marry her because of how he was with Sasha’s mom. They were way too close. I knew my African brother had gone Carribean.
    Yea, they got married and everyone was going about their business till Sasha’s mother was unusually quiet at work one day. I went to her and in her very thick Jamaican accent she said “Sasha lose her biaybe.” (Sasha lost her pregnancy) I felt a chill. I have never seen her so sad. Of course I tried to console her and told her “the next one is gonna be fine ma” To which she said “You go get yourself one too. A baby is…….” Okay, I could not understand the Patois she spoke. But I got the general feeling that she thought a baby was something special, something to crave for.
    That was maybe two years ago. Then, like I do with my friends, before I start posting, I check up on everybody and lo and behold, I saw Yousouf put up an update that said:
    “Nina Rae Liuzio, was born on January 19th she is a premature baby she was only 25 weeks (6months) and weighed only 1.5lbs ( roughly 0.5Kg). It wasn’t easy to take it, but we had faith and patience, I will like to Thank God for fighting for her, all the doctors and nurses at Holy cross hospital of Silver spring MD for the exceptional care they gave to her until today. After nearly 3months at Neonatal intensive care unit today she’s discharged and she’s going home with us, she weigh 5.5lbs right now, to me this is a miracle. I wanna thank my family and friends for praying for her everyday, thank you so much St Rita Marie Tofflemire for being with us through the whole time, my wife Sasha Dwyer for staying strong through the difficult time, we made it baby. I have a lot to say but I’m too emotional , and very excited at the same time. Please keep her on your prayers as she continues to get stronger.  Amen…”

    My hands shook. Yousouf is a kid, no more than 27 years old. Sasha is a lot younger. These people are too young to go through this God!!! So I have been praying for them and of course checking up on Yousouf from his posts. I said to myself, “I WILL NOT POST A SAD UPDATE ON YOUSOUF,” So I waited for the dark clouds to clear and for God’s sunlight to shine through. And it did. Hallelujah.
    I chatted with Yousouf. While talking, Yousouf had nothing but praise and gratitude to God. He had very kind words to say of the American Healthcare system. He said
    “Ena, if I was back home in Tanzania, they would say my wife had an abortion or a miscarriage. They would not even treat the child. Ena, she was 23 weeks. That is about 6 months. Nina (the daughter’s name) was in the hospital for 3 months plus.

    My God!!! Between Yousouf, the wife, the family and the health insurance system, I can already tell you that no less that 50 thousand dollars went down. I would say near a hundred. But what is money where life is concerned? What is money?

    So today, as I see Yousouf smile again and place Nina on his bare chest….PROUD FATHER, I lift up my hands up to the heavens and point to a God who has made extension to the uterus/womb. He imbued man with the knowledge and today, my brother, my friend is a beneficiary of God’s extended womb.
    Yousouf and Nina and Sasha. Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof and all that dwell in it” The Lord shall complete his healing. The Lord shall provide. The Lord shall guide. I speak and prophesy good things upon the life of Nina. It is well with her. She shall grow up strong and blessed beyond measure. You my friend, shall be proud of what she shall become….a blessing to Tanzania, Jamaica and USA”
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