• Russia Unveils Bullet Proof Vests For Police Dogs Following Paris Attacks

    A Russian defence company has unveiled its design of full body armour for police terror-sniffing dogs, after the death of a French police dog called Diesel, who died during a police raid in the aftermath of the Paris attacks.

    The body armour called “Nord body armour” was designed by St. Petersburg-based Scientific Production of Special Materials (NPO).
    The body armour protects the neck and chest of the police dog, while additional armour is available for the legs and heads if required.
    A company official said the dog that was used to test the armour initially resisted it, but accepted its use after some “incentives” were given and it realised the armour was for its “own good and protection”.
    The company says the body armour can be fitted on a police dog in a minute.

    Source: Daily Mail
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