• FUTO Student Bites Off Fellow Student's Nose during Fight (Photos)


    Two female Students of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri‘s School Of Agricultural Technology (SAAT) two days ago got involved in a nasty fight that ended up with one of them biting the other's nose off.

    An eye witness confirmed that it started with a demand by one of them to fetch some water (for their work) but she objected with a vulgar response.

    The girl who had her nose bitten allegedly launched the first attack by pulling the other girl's hair. The fight got heated and she got bitten.

    After the drama, the bleeding victim was rushed to the school clinic and immediately referred to the 
    Federal Medical Centre Owerri, for proper and effective treatment and surgery and to help the bleeding.

    For bleeding to stop, the medical team at FMC had to cut some flesh from her laps.

    The matter is still under strong investigation by the school authorities.
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