• Photos Of Children Thrown from Burning Building to Save Their Lives In China

    These are the dramatic scenes from a fire at a nursery that forced rescuers to throw children from balconies to save their lives.

    Dozens of children were thrown from windows and balconies onto cushions below after the fire 
    ravaged a building housing the nursery in Ningde, China. Firefighters were seen rushing into the building to the nursery on the second floor and grabbing children from smoke-filled rooms.

    While some firemen descended ladders with children in their arms, other simply threw them from windows and balconies onto inflated safety cushions below. Miraculously, no children died in the incident but at least 67 youngsters and eight adults were injured in the fire.

    A number of children were seen “foaming at the mouth” in the hospital, possibly as a result of inhaling harmful toxins.

    An initial investigation pointed to a supermarket on the first floor as the location of the start of the fire. The flames were eventually brought under control and authorities say that a thorough investigation is currently underway.

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